Sage Plot 3d Vector

The following example shows the sum of two vectors in three space along with its components.
Sage plot 3d vector. Sage also has 3d plotting capabilities. Sage plot plot3d plot field3d plot vector field3d functions xrange yrange zrange plot points 5 colors jet center arrows false kwds. F a symbolic expression or function of 2 variables. P vector 1 2 3 sage.
Functions a list of three functions representing the x y and z coordinates of a vector. Plot a 3d vector field. F x u v u sage. Time for action make an interactive 3d plot let s make an interactive 3d plot.
False whether to use adaptive refinement to draw the plot slower but may look better. Parametric plot3d p t q t 0 2 graphics3d object. F y u v v sage. Q vector 2 1 2 sage.
F z u v u 2 v 2 sage. Any options you would normally use to specify the appearance of a curve are valid as entries in the boundary style dict. U v var u v sage. David lay linear algebra introduction to linear algebra linear algebra sagemath serge lang vector plot sage.
Parametric plot3d f x f y f z u 2 2 v 2 2 graphics3d object the third way to plot a 3d surface in sage is implicit plot3d which graphs a contour of a function like f x y z 0 this defines a set of points. Urange a 2 tuple u min u max or a 3 tuple u u min u max vrange a 2 tuple v min v max or a 3 tuple v v min v max adaptive default. T var t sage. Var x y p3d plot3d y 2 1 x 3 x x pi pi y pi pi p3d show if you run this example in the notebook interface a java applet called jmol will run in the cell below the code.
This option does not work in conjunction with a transformation see below. We plot two interlinked tori.